Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life Group/ New Friends/Growing a Family

Tonight was the second time I have hosted a small group or Life Group from the church. When I say hosted that is exactly and all I mean. There is a couple who are the leaders and another couple who are the assistant leaders.
I provide the place.
And the food. Except now they are offering to help with that.
There are 11 people in the group and we are all over the board as far as where we are in life. I really wondered if I was going to feel any real connection to this group when I first saw them assembled at my house. All of us go to the same church, but I did not know a single one of them.
I felt a deep sense of God being in this from early in the first meeting. I was so excited I could hardly sleep. I needed this. I needed to connect to a body and know that as members we will look out for each other, pray for each other and lift each other up. I have skirted around the edges of "church" for a long time now. I have held myself back to a place where I could easily let go and move back. I have joined in church activities and made acquaintances, but fell short of becoming totally committed. I told myself for years that I could handle things by myself, that I knew God loved me and I could go to Him, but there was no need to bother others with my problems.
That might be the one most important thing that God has taught me in this torturous adoption wait.....that I will need help. That my children will need other Christians praying for them and impacting their lives. That God wants to use us to make known what is so close to His heart. I need a church family and they need me. None of us are insignificant to God.
Two of the women (and the others seemed to agree) feel strongly that Mosa will be home by Christmas. That I should praise and thank God now for how He has cleared the way to make this happen. Paster Doug also spoke about the clearing of the road and the breaking of chains, and I could feel God's power in that. But I think I am afraid on some level to believe it....although I know that I know that I know that He is more than able!!! Perhaps this is another lesson. When my faith gets weak, I need others to take over who are stronger in that moment. How else can we lift each other up? What would be the point unless it is a given that we will all need it at times?
Thank you Father. Thank you for knowing and caring about orphans in Africa and China and everywhere and my family here and the problems and joys and bumps in the road which has been this journey of bringing together a family............both spiritually as I find my church family and literally as you bring my children home.
You are able.
Who is like God?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

That was easy!

This is my first post on my very first blog! So exciting! It took me about three minutes to get it up and going, so undoubtedly there will be some fine-tuning done as time goes by.
I have been a blog reader for years.
I've laughed. I've cried.
I have on occasion felt that there may be blog-worthy aspects of my life.....I might be wrong, but I think I'll give it a try.
Don't expect much, and don't expect it daily. But from time to time, when I have something to say, you can find it here!